The Pre-workout Snack

Let’s talk pre-workout snacks.

When you google search “pre-workout snacks,” you will get images of the mainstream favorite: a banana and peanut butter.

When you are performing high-intensity cardio workouts, or weight training workouts, you should actually be fueling your body with carbs & protein.

I would even argue and say this is the best opportunity to eat high GI carbs.

My go to is Rice Krispies Treats.

Is this chic actually saying a rice Krispie treat is better than a banana and peanut butter? Yes, but the research is on my side, too.

  • Eating fats (such as peanut butter) will slow down digestion and make working out extremely uncomfortable.

  • Foods high in fiber, (like bananas), are digested in the colon and can also cause stomach upset during your workout.

So, if you don’t want stomach discomfort while squatting - try to avoid fiber and fats.

A banana and peanut butter also may SOUND like a lean option. But you are most likely eating around 300 calories, while the Rice Krispie treat is around 100 calories.

So why are high GI carbs (otherwise known as “fast carbs”) important to eat pre-workout?

Your muscles use carbs as fuel.

When you are low in carbs and you work out intensely, your muscles are forced tap into your protein stores for the energy they need. This is also called wasting muscle, and it’s what we want to avoid at all costs. I hope those of you that workout fasted re-read this. We want to burn fat, not muscle.

‘Fast’ carbs spike glucose levels.

Fast carbs, such as white bread, fruits, pretzels (and yes even Rice Krispies), spike your glucose quicker than ‘slow’ carbs such as whole wheat, oatmeal, etc. This is perfect to eat 20 minutes before the gym – it digests quickly, and the energy is available for you when you need it.

This is your opportunity to treat yourself!

This is the best time in your day to eat a bit of sugar if you want to. Because you are most likely going to burn it all off. I like to use this as a time to treat myself, instead of waiting until nighttime - when I will be motionless for 8 hours.

It may seem counter intuitive, but the research says fast carbs are the best way to go here. So have some fun with it!

Pre-Workout Snacks

-       Fruit smoothie with protein and non-fat yogurt or milk

-       Rice cakes jam

-       Rice Krispie treats

 Pre-Workout Meals

-       Protein oats

-       Protein Waffles

-       Whole wheat toast with scrambled eggs

-       Protein shake with oats


-       Peanut butter

-       High-fiber cereals

-       Full-fat yogurts


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